13 January 2016

Busy in the studio

In the studio unloading the kiln and posting new items to etsy which is much less fun than actually making stuff.

Here is what came out of the kiln. 
I am super Excited about the berry baskets and very bummed I have a crack in the handled tray!

.Here are some of the 
Essential oils diffuser and ceramic buttons that were recently added to my shop


Check my etsy site because I'm constantly adding new items. 

Here is a part of today's playlist as well so you can see what I'm listening to while hiding in my happy place. 

Also diffusing Young Living Essential oil Motivation to try to keep me moving in here!
Who has been nutted? Some one leaving nuts in your mailbox? Check out this new blog! 

11 January 2016

January Diffusing recipes - Getting out of that Winter Funk!

I have decided for 2016 to list my favorite diffusing recipes for each month. I always have had people ask what oils I like to diffuse, here are some of my favorite diffusing recipes right now. These are the blends I like to use through out the day while I am working in my studio or at the computer. These recipes are for getting out of that Winter funk, some people call it the Winter Blues. I always called it the Winter Blah blahs, because  you just don't even have the energy to get the words out. BLAH!


Recipe #1 (Gloomy day pick me up)

3 drops Stress Away (unique blend of stress-relieving and relaxing essential oils that can help reduce tension)

2 drops Grapefruit (An energizing oil without being too strong or overpowering)

2 drop Peace & Calming (Known for calming and promoting peacefulness)

Recipe #2 (Winter Immune boost)

3 drops Thieves (healthy immune function)

3 drops Tangerine (Eliminates odors, uplifts mood, creates a clean, fresh scent for any environment)

Recipe #3 (Meditation)

2 drops Patchouli (Diffuse this oil for a calming, relaxing, peaceful fragrance)

2 drops Lavender (Known for calming)

2 drops Cedarwood (grounding and calming, and it is said to help combat negativity)

1 drops Frankincense (Diffuse Frankincense during meditation for grounding and purpose)

Recipe #4 (Winter Blah blahs)

3 drops Orange (Creates an uplifted feeling and can inspire creativity)

1 drops Citrus fresh (Eliminates odors, uplifts mood, creates a clean, fresh scent for any environment)

2 drops Ylang Ylang (Known for calming, relaxing and soothing fragrance)

Contact me with any question you have on Young Living products at demetrarinaldi@gmail.com, sign up at www.demetrarinaldi.marketingscents.com to receive my newsletters or sign up today at http://yl.pe/v37

We have an incredible team that has created a learning center with videos, audios and graphics to help you learn more about Young Livings incredible products.  We also have tools to help you grow your own Young Living team if you choose to become a distributor and share  these wonderful products to create prosperity. 

I am always trying and testing new recipes and writing them in my oils journal. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment. I use a Young Living home diffuser and YL Bamboo diffuser for these recipes.  I do not use these recipes on my oils jewelry. For info on my oils jewelry go to www.craftyleftdee.etsy.com